Madison hurt her leg :/

edited October 2013 in Pregnant
She was jumping on her little trampoline and must have twisted wrong. She will hardly put any weight on her left leg and wines/cries when she tries, it isn't broken just bruised i think cause she'll walk on it if she's holding a hand. It's been 2 hours and she's still favoring it, hopefully she'll be better in the morning or to the dr we go. I've poked/bent/prodded all over and there isn't just a spot so idk, if she was a year older I would think she was faking but I know she's not


  • My son did this a few months ago. He is 2 and knew he wasn't faking it I took him to the Dr the next day for hid 2 yr check up he bruised and only favored it for two days. The first night he put no weight on it. It scared me. Just keep an eye on it hopefully its just bruised. Maybe in the morning she will walk on it a lil more
  • @debs thank you! Even though i sorry your son with through it, it puts my mind at ease that I'm not a bad parent for not rushing her to the er and that he's ok. I think she'll be fine by morning
  • Poor baby, hopefully its just bruised.
  • Hopefully it's nothing serious. I guess you will know in the morning for sure if it's only a bruise it probably won't bother her at all tomorrow.
  • @excitedforoctober @jules she woke up in a great mood, took about 3 steps and said owie then stopped :-S it's nothing too bad cause there wasn't any tears with it, but it looks like it's going to be a long day for the both of us. She's stubborn so she keeps trying to walk on it And poor baby will miss her fall fest at school (which I still get to go set up for, yay me)
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