Braxton hicks?????

edited January 2014 in Pregnant
Im wondering if you ladIes remember when you started having Braxton hicks? Im 20 weeks and I've been feeling them fOr about a week or 2 now. Well today when I went to the store I had a few that actually made me stop cause they were a little painfull, thIs is my third baby but I dont remember having them with my last two pregnancies


  • I started getting them at 16 weeks I believe and it is my third as well.
  • I am 24 weeks with my 4th I haven't had any braxton hicks but keep reading since I think 20 weeks its very common. Make sure you are resting and getting enough water and mention it to your Dr.
  • With my first I got them about 27 weeks, but with second it was around 15 weeks. And they were painful everytime I went for a run which didn't happen with my first. Every pregnancy is different and for most sitting and resting helps and drinking lots fluids but with my second nothing helped I was worried but she ended up being 2 days over due date and perfectly healthy. I wouldn't stress.
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