5 days overdue!!!!!!!!!!!!

edited January 2014 in Pregnant
I was due five days ago and nothing is going on. I have been continuing on with my regular routine trying not to think of it and its driving me crazy. I have a doc's appt in the morning and hoping to get some good news. I so want to see my baby girl she seems to be taking her sweet time to arrive. Please wish me luck that she will arrive by this weekend :(


  • Good luck!!! Were you checked at all in any if ur previous appts before ur due date?
  • oh hun i know how you feel my second was overdue 7days!! Yikes he just wouldnt come out but when labor started on its own i was actually estatic my first was scheduled csection so just hang in there what did it for me was squatting and a warm bath. Hope this helps good luck hun!
  • @adri805 yes I have been checked at the last two appts and nothing cervix is still long and they said about 40 percent effaced

    @salasmommy thanks maybe I should start squatting and try a warm bath
  • Oh man I'm sorry!!! Have they said if u will be induced by so many days?
  • Still no baby hun?!!!!
  • How is everything? I officially have 15 days to go but I've been dilated to a 4 and 85% effaced and losing my plug and lots of pressure. Baby has dropped and I'm nesting like crazy. Hoping its soon!
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