Moms of circumcised boy?



  • Guess this is why children being circ'd is becoming illegal in Europe!
  • I had both my boys circumsizes and yes they cried, what child wouldnt, but they were fine. My husband is done so his kids match.I dont regret it one bit. And i would do it again if i were to have another boy.
  • I agree with @jules that is the WORST part of this forum. No mater what you try talking about regarding a child someone is here to make sure you feel like shit as a parent because of a choice you have made in raising your own child. This place sucks.
    @veevee im sorry you have to deal with this. I personally wouldnt want these ladies trying to tell me that i am un educated and dont know what im doing to my child. You have seen first hand what someone has to go through to get it removed if they decide to have it removed later in life. I had both my sons done about 2 weeks old, both different ways. And they are fine. I wouldnt have it any other way. I dont remember how long they took to heal. But imo its best to get it done as little babies then as older child or even adult. Good luck on which ever you decide. Its ultimatly your decision and you shouldnt be critisized for making your choice.
  • edited September 2013
    Wow this post really took off. :-S

    @ExcitedForOctober, @jules, @angel26: Thanks ladies. Its okay I choose to ignore her. She gave her unsolicited opinion and I appreciate her effort. I already made up my mind. I'm sure when my son gets older and asked why I did it I will tell him why and be 100% honest with him.

    I've seen the consequences of not circumcising your son as a baby. When their older it hurts like hell. Imagine a 5yr old or a grown man getting one and having to have a catheter shoved up their penis because it hurts when they pee. As a baby they won't even remember it at all. The only way they'll ever know is if they asked or you tell them. As a toddler, child and adult that memory will be stuck with them forever. I guarantee its a small percentage of men complaining about being circ'd.

    But anyway to the ladies that answered the question. Thank you. I'll looking at about a week to 10 days. I hope those day fly by quickly.
  • Yes, ignore the facts!
  • OH MY GOD! This is insane!

    Anyway, @veevee do whatever YOU feel is right for your son. I support you! :)
  • I didnt mutilat my son I made a health choice for my son. Its just like any other medical decision in my opinion. No Dr pressured me into my decision they simply asked yes or no. My husband wanted our son as soon as they asked he is a man I think he would know best for his son penis as for he has one and did not want our son to have to grow up no having it done. my husband he said it grossed him not having it done. I breastfeed my son and did not effect that at all. It heeled up in a week and never had to clean it they said not to touch it they did it with the ring. After my sin had it done they brought him right back and was not fussy at all. We had a good experience having it done.
  • hi everybody, I'm closing this discussion.
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