What happens if an ovarian cyst bursts... (Update..help please!)

edited January 2012 in Babies
And you do nothing about it because it didn't cross your mind at the time that it was a cyst?


  • I had one burst last year. Didn't think much of it beforehand because we were ttc so that was all I was thinking about. When it happened though, I had a good idea what it was. Ouchie!! Called my doc and she said to come in only if I started running a temp. I was in pain and sick feeling for a couple days. Not fun that's for sure!
  • My friend had one burst in December and was rushed to hospital and in surgery for 4 hours! I don't know how bad yours is but hers was poisoning her. she's now gotta have further ops to fix the damage caused. i hope your ok x
  • i had one burst last october. depending on how big it is depends on how bad it will hurt. mine wasnt huge but it was big enough to land me in the hospital. they just gave me meds to ease the pain and antibiotics incase of any infection. and i had a high temp when i went in for mine. i ended up being put on morphine because of the pain.
  • Depends on what type of ovarian cyst it is. Most are harmless.
  • I get them all the time, both my mom and I do. It's to the point to where when one bursts, we know it because of the pain, and we just ride it out. There isn't a whole lot that anyone can do for them besides give you some pain meds and say "Get well soon", it sucks! Luckily for me, I have a good doctor who knows my history so if I need a few pills, he will call me in some to get me by for about 3 days. It's icky and I hope if you're getting them, they aren't horrendous like mine are :(
  • edited January 2012
    See, I'm wondering if I had one burst when we were black friday shopping. I had been crampy for a few days so I thought my period was coming. Well around 7pm on thanksgiving I started cramping but it got worse. We were at toys r us at 9 and by that time it literally felt like I was in labor again. I was breathing through the cramps, grabbing my stomach, i had a huge headache and i was nauseas. It'd ease off then start back up 30minutes later and this happened all night. I just figured it was gonna be a heavy period and my body was trying to pass a clot. But I didn't start my period until 2 to 3 weeks after this. Could it have been a cyst?
  • It definitely could have been a cyst. They say once you get them you will be more prone to get them again. Thats how i felt when mine burst. I went to a movie and couldnt even sit there. I woke up in the middle of the night in pain and couldnt even stand up.
  • Ughhh I hope it never happens again. It was excruciating :(
  • I feel like it's happening again. I'm having intense cramping ever few minutes. They feel like labors pains I'm hot and my hands are all clammy. I've been nauseated and had a headache all day. What do I do?
  • Id go get checked out. just to be on the safe side. good luck. hope its nothing too serious.
  • I called to talk to the on call midwife but they said it wasn't a medical emergency so I have to wait till morning to call and make an appointment :(
  • Yeah they suck and there isn't much that can be done. :(( I would definitely get seen tomorrow or as soon as possible just to make sure there isn't anything else going on.
  • I definitely am. Especially since my midwife told me that going on the mini pill would decrease my bleeding (periods lasting 2 1/2 to 3 weeks) but they're getting longer. My last one that ended on new years was a day shy of 4 weeks long!
  • Do u have a fever? If u do then u should get checked out asap. I hope u feel batter soon.
  • No fever. Just felt like a hot flash sort of :/ @mommyof3girls
  • @amab 13 that's what my mom said it sounded like.
  • Then you need to get checked as soon as possible. People have died from the appendix bursting.. or it can also be your gallbladder. I had surgery to remove it because the pains were bad enough to keep me awake all night. Does the pain gets worse when you eat?
  • I had pain like that and it turned out to be fibroids. It felt like labor contractions and the pain made me physically ill. I went to the er cuz i thought it might be my appendix. The hospital took me right away and did a cat scan. Told me it was probably fibroid & sent me back to my ob/gyn.
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  • I've felt fine all day today except some nausea and a headache :/
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