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  • mommyo3soon2b4
    Saw that you had posted about having baby blues. How you doing today? i went through it with my son, I think because my hubby said he would be our last. I didn't want anyone to hold him. I felt like the house went to the crapper because all I wanted to do was hold him and cry. And going from 2 kiddos to 3 is hard...but you sound like an amazing mommy and you will pull through it. I am here anytime you need to talk. You can email me or find me on FB too. I also wanted to let you know that I have a home daycare and do parents night outs if you and the hubby ever need a night out. I have a ton of references, so that you will know your babies will be safe with us! Just wanted to give you that info;-) Hope you have a wonderful rainy day!!!
    April 2011
    • veteranswife
      Thank you so much. I cried a lot yesterday today nothing so far and I hope nothing happens today. I don't know why it hits me so hard with this one maybe I should have let my boys 1 extra day at grandmas
  • InLoveee
    Congrats on your baby!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!
    April 2011
  • mommyo3soon2b4
    Hoping everything is going food with your delivery! Good luck and praying for an easy delivery!
    April 2011
    • veteranswife
      Thanks delivered him this morning. I just made a post
  • bkuneki
    Hello how r u? Im worried about u...
    April 2011
    • veteranswife
      Still hanging in there. lol. I be getting induced tomorrow if nothing happens by than. How are you and victor?
  • mommyo3soon2b4
    I have been wondering how you were feeling...anything new?
    April 2011
    • veteranswife
      I just seen this. Or I would have replied.
  • Angel452
    No cramping.
    March 2011
    • veteranswife
      Put your legs up and if it doesn't go away by tonight get checked out. I know how you feel right now I had a mc and the pregnancy after that as well so on this one I was so worried as well with every spotting etc.
    • Angel452
      It went away already. So im not that worried anymore but still scared. I have a ultrasound monday.
    • veteranswife
      It was probably from the sex.
    • veteranswife
      ggood luck
  • veteranswife joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    March 2011