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  • I peed all over the cup yesterday, felt bad and ended up pouring it into another cup because i didn't want my midwife to have to touch my pee. lol
  • lots and lots and lots of sex. there is prostiglandin (sorry i don't know how to spell it) in semen which is a hormone that helps open your cervix. also Evening primrose oil will help as well.
  • I have had chronic UTI's my whole pregnancy. just make sure the pills they give you are in the safe category for pregnancy as some antibiotics are not. the thing that finally helped me was to get a prescription for a low dose antibiotic for after se…
  • @ahendricks09 my bf's grandmother knitted us our homecoming outfit. it is the most adorable thing ever, its got the mittens, booties and cap plus a sweater to put over his onsie. I cried when I saw it. I hope you find the one you want :) I wish you …
  • @ahendricks09 I am sooooooooooooooooo ready. he is measuring at 39 weeks. he's a big baby! the house is ready for him. I got my bassinet, crib, changing table, all his clothes washed and put away, my diaper stacker full. he could come this very minu…
  • @ahendricks09 zomg we have the same due date!
  • I feel like absolute crap tbh. It's a little better today now that the humidity broke. but I have been cleaning our apartment and nesting a lot. today I dropped a dozen eggs and broke down and cried like it was the end of the world. I will be glad t…
  • i'm due on the 21st :) i'm getting impatient!
  • I honestly don't know the answer to that one sweetie. I've been having lots of "get this baby the frig out of me" sex every night but it hasn't included oral (sorry wayyyy tmi) my midwife said sex is ok but she didn't mention oral.
  • I am donating my placenta to my doula who is learning how to do placenta encapsulation I won't be eating the pills she makes but she is just using it to learn how to do it correctly and safely. she is giving me a discount on her services because I …
  • I'm due on the 21st! hoping to come a little earlier then that because my little man isn't very little... he's safe to come out any time so I've been having lots of sex, spicy food, using the breast pump, cleaning the house, and using epo. I'm hopin…
  • last wed I was 37 weeks and I was measuring at 39. I have GD and a big baby on the way. My midwife didn't seem to concerned about it though...
  • I have it as well. its truly not a big deal. It just means I will be getting antibiotics during labor and if my labor takes a long time after my water breaks there is a special wash that i can douche with during labor and wash the baby with afterwar…
  • I don't know why but I am extremely amused that you put this post in the food category.
  • I hope they become someone's bitch while they are in jail. I bet they are in isolation because the general prison population doesn't deal well with child rape/abuse. the guards should let them out to hang out with the gen pop and let them get whats …
  • I have the same thing happen I have been using epo as well. not to be gross but what does it smell like? Epo has a very distinctive... well oily smell almost like vegetable oil.
  • My morning numbers are always high as well. the best thing to do is make sure you get a good snack before you go to bed. I have been doing cheese and crackers and a glass of water and my numbers are below 90 now. the morning numbers always seem to b…
  • "wow how overdue are you?" = throat punch "you must be having twins" = throat punch " I was big when I was pregnant but your'e huge" = throat punch I need to upload a pic of myself because apparently I am freaking h…
  • My little man is going to be a pea pod :)
  • I am full term today! I am due the 21st but there is no way he is gonna stay in till then. He is already completely engaged, my cervix was checked yesterday and is nice and soft and slightly dilated, I have had a bloody show already. and severe brax…
  • there is nothing you can do to prevent., but if you do have it there is plenty you can do to lessen the potential harm to you and your baby. I have GD so if it turns out you test positive let me know I would be happy to help you with what has been w…
  • I drink a glass of water every morning with a packet of miralax thrown in. you cant taste it, it doesn't make the water think like metamucil and of course its safe for baby. it helps immensely!!!
  • put a bottle of witch hazel in the fridge let it get nice and cold and try applying that gently to it. it works wonders!!!! very soothing and very safe
  • fiber one cereal, and benefiber drink packets. good stuff. tastes really good and keeps things moving.
  • just because you have Gestational diabetes does not mean you have to have a c-section and if your dr is telling you that then he is wrong. you will need to work very hard on controlling your sugar through counting carbs and exercise and in rare case…
  • I love pitbulls! I want one so badly but we have no room. I bet she will take to her little girl without much help. pitbulls are known for wanting to protect their family especially the little ones. they used to be known as "nanny dogs" un…
  • wed I am full term... due the 21st. hoping baby comes before then :) @armywife0529 I am hoping for 9-10-11 as well! that would be such a cool birthday!
  • my belly looks just like the top pic. I use bio oil and coco butter. I'm not too worried though. the marks are totally worth getting a beautiful baby at the end :)
  • are you planning on having butt love while your'e pregnant or after? my bf has been begging me for some while I'm pregnant but its not happening with these hemroids!! (sorry wayyyy tmi) I told him maybe after the baby and I am all healed up and they…