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  • I've made several wishes, and I've never had one granted. Just a bunch of people who say "I hope you get your wish, hugs." :(
  • @armahnismommy I know, but he's with me half the week and his dad the other half so when it happens while he's here with me, I just change the subject and tell him to leave it alone lol! Oy, the thought of having "The Talk" makes me all s…
  • Ahahahaha dreaming of naked baby girls. That shit is hilarious!! For real though, my son gets them too, only he's turning 6 soon and he is like "why is it big and hard like that?!" Omg just wait til you have to explain them to him... ^…
  • And, yeah, I know people that have had it fall out after like 3 years. It can fall out at anytime, not only after sex when newly inserted. Dummy. LOL
  • Oh, interesting! Well in that case, yes, that is extreme craziness and the doc sounds like a looney bird.
  • Shit, I haven't used a condom for like 3 years. I don't even remember anything about them besides brands haha.
  • So, I'm curious, did these docs delivery your baby? Cuz if so, they probably know you're only 5 weeks and can't get you back in?? I dunno, maybe I'm wrong, but I've never heard of waiting til 12 weeks. Also, you COULD technically have unprotected…
  • @mama_kat patience is my middle name...not really but it sounded good LOL.
  • My niece is 2 months from being 2 and isn't walking yet. She's cruising, but she won't walk unassisted. She has physical therapy, but I'm not sure exactly how often it is.
  • @mijita oh, I could care less if I'm personally attacked. I, too, doubt it's a personal thing. It just seems like unless you're part of the more liked group, then you're not going to get many responses, thus making it nearly pointless to post. …
  • @mijita, actually, it seems like the posts that get a lot of comments are the more favored girls' posts of their pictures. Or, games or things of that mature. However, serious questions get overlooked and hardly commented on, unless someone says s…
  • @mommy2ari I've been the same way. There are soooo many times I've even typed up what I want to ask, or say, and I just end up changing my minds because I'll get probably 6 people comment, then it gets sunk because of the "better" posts. …
  • @mommyfor3 that's exactly how it is. It's sad...
  • @mommy2ari that's exactly how I feel. It's very...clique-y anymore. It's like either you're well liked and get several comments, or you get a few response but really no resolution or conversation. I remember when posts got decent turnout, but now…
  • I remember you! I've been around since last February and I feel the same as you. I've contemplated leaving as well. I feel unnoticed, and not part of the group. But, that's alright! If you truly do leave, take care, and we'll definitely miss yo…
  • @mommylovessparkle I had something along the drink lines happen to me. While I was pregnant with my peanut that I lost, I had an obsession with snowcones. Half red raspberry and half black raspberry, with cream. It was the most delicious thing ev…
  • No, it's probably from dry air or a broken capillary in her nose.
  • When I was pregnant with my first, I was afraid to poop cuz I thought I might push the baby out. :-|
  • @lolasbabynum1 Girl, you know I love you and your beautiful lil girl! Her and Sophia have special eyes! :) Us mommas gotta stick together ;)
  • @starrxoxo9 @captivated @pregnantelf aww thanks ladies! Love ya's right back! >:D<
  • LMAO @kyliemommie too funny! I agree with you, nobody else in pregly even knows I exist, so I'm the only person on here that acknowledges me haha. So @ilsugarsmomma :p
  • Oh I see. I would suggest some pilates. They're amazing! I danced for 15 years and we did them and omg they make you look so long and lean and fit!
  • I agree with @noahsmommy. Dude has a history of cheating, and by the sounds of it, he's not gonna change. It's not her you need to talk to, it's him. To be completely honest, it doesn't sound like it's going to do you any good though.
  • I wish I would've known that, I would've tried when she was a couple months old. I'm done having kids, so I don't get another chance, but I'll encourage other mothers as much as I can! It's the least I can do. @bahamamama4828 It's so sad that hos…
  • You're going to gain it all back when you try to gain muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat. Besides, you're not fat LOL. I'd kill to be 110, I haven't seen those numbers since high school haha. But congrats on the lost that's awesome!
  • I only got to BF my daughter for 2 weeks, and I've felt like a failure ever since. I had a horrible experience at the hospital when I had her, they basically weren't BF friendly and refused me a pump and lactation consultation. My daughter ended u…
  • When I conceived my daughter, I had the same exact feelings for a day. My ovary hurt soooooo bad, but I think it was implantation taking place cuz it happened 3 days after intercourse. I know nothing about TTC cuz I've never "tried", it …
  • Coconut oil is the business! But, it's been 13 months, and mine is still doing that. I used to have amazing, thick hair, now it's thin and not so lush. :(
  • I'm a single parent and have been for a while now. I've only received about $1500 in child support and my daughter is 13 months. Her dad has bought her 3 outfits her entire life. He didn't even buy her a christmas or birthday gift, but that's bec…
  • We did it at her grandparents house, they have a beautiful backyard with lots of flowers and trees. We just had a cookout, also. No activities for the kiddos, but there is a tire swing and lots of room to run.
    in where Comment by LilSugarsMomma May 2012