


got my sweet baby boys newborn pics done today! I'm in love!!!


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  • With my first they estimates her at 5.8 lbs and she was 7.11 with my second they estimated 7.2 and he was 8.7. First one was 2 days late and second was 3 days early. I'm done no more babies for us...
  • My Dr said a good judgement is 1oz per hour between feeding. So ny that it seems like your right on. I breastfeed so I don't know how much he's is taking in but my 3mo old is nursing every 3 to 4 hours.
  • I had the mirena between kids and again now. I love mine I haven't had any weight gain or anything. Only thing was I had headaches for a couple weeks after I got it put in both times and back aches. I won't ever use a different kind of BC since I've…
  • @beautifulone my little boy was the same way. At 2 1/2 months old he had gained almost 8 pounds. He's a little chubby thing but I love it!
  • I did the exact sane thing and mine was a horrible uti that had spread into my kidneys and I had to take antibiotics shots every day for 5 days then by mouth antibiotics for 7 days. I didn't wanna be hospitalized! Glad you are at the hospital gettin…
  • Got my daughters done at Claires in the mall but didnt get them til she asked for them at 2 1/2 years old.
  • @blueberrysmom I have the baby breeza and I love it! It's so easy and does the steam and blend all with one setting and without me having to stand over it... It was totally worth the 100 I spent on it.
  • @mami_of_3 No not at all. The first time I had slight bleeding after having it placed, the 3 months after that a light period of about 2 days and nothing for the 2 years after that. This time I had the slight bleeding after having it placed and its …
  • I had the mirena between children and loved it. Got it back in at my 6 week checkup and still love it! My husband is getting a vasectomy and still I'm keeping my mirena because I don't have a cycle while I have it in. So not only is it bc but its cy…
  • My ob prescribed me tylenol 3 when I was having horrible headaches during pregnancy so yes its ok to take it.
  • Ours has the wheels also and its a lil bulky but very easy to set up take down and pack...
  • We pack ours up and take it every time we go to my inlaws and we go at least every other month to visit them. We stay ay their place and our daughter has her own room there but the baby sleeps in the room with us. when she was younger we brought it …
  • I did the same thing for the first couple weeks. Nights I pumped and days I breastfed and he switched back and forth with no problems. Now I breastfeed at night also but he's 8 weeks and my milk has finally stabilized.
  • My ped told me to start it with my son at 6 weeks because he was wanting to eat every hour to two hours and he was draining me being that I was exclusively breastfeeding. So I would pump a couple times a day and add the rice cereal. Now at 8 weeks h…
  • If you were a size 0-8 pre pregnancy message me your name and address and ill mail it to you if you want it. @momma_tiffay
  • I have the hips shrink x and only wore it a couple times. It's hard to get the velcro lined up right where it doesn't scratch when worn under clothes and on the outside you have to take it off every time you go to bathroom. my hips went back without…
  • @reemama I couldn't bring myself to insert the suppository either and an old nurse practitioner told me to just massage the anus with it and it worked great!
  • @ittybitty any drug store has them.
  • If you want to help her poop get children's glycerin suppository but don't insert into the anus just massage that anus with the suppository while holding her legs back like your going to change her. I had to do it with my daughter a couple times and…
  • Pick up some glycerin suppositories its a laxitive and works within an hour. Least it did for me and it is safe when breastfeeding because its not taken orally and absorbed into your body. Hope it works for you.
  • @lae3 we still send our 3 year old to daycare so I nap during the day when the baby naps and on the weekends I take a nap with both babies so I can't say I'm missing much sleep. Probably getting more now than I used to. I can remember being so tired…
  • I try to not wake me sweet hubby up at night for anything during the week since I'm not working now and he has to get up extremely early for work but weekends he gets up with the kids in the morning and let's me sleep in. It works good for us so may…
  • dusting* not distinguished
  • Dusting! I don't mind all the other stuff but I HATE distinguished but have to do it regularly because my 3 year old has asthma and is allergic to dust mites
  • Playtex not player stupid auto correct O:)
  • I am breastfeeding my son and also pumping. I tried the breast flow bottles with him and he hates them. We use the player drop-ins and have had no problems with nipple confusion.
  • I got that email from them at 4am! I'll be shopping.
    in Sale! Comment by carrie July 2011
  • I joined end of Jan but just comment every now and again and stay away from all the drama post. But lately been busy with my newborn...
  • They can't deploy you for 6 months after you give birth I'm pretty sure of that. It's one of the questions they ask during medical srp and its a show stopper to be a parent of a newborn less than 6 months. So they can send you later to catch up with…
  • I had to supplement with formula a couple times in the last few weeks because I wasn't producing enough. It's perfectly ok to do that and now I'm producing way more than he is eating so I'm pumping and freezing for later! Just stick with your breast…