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  • I was at 4 cm 50% at 34 1/2 weeks. Ever since then my dr has been saying there's no way I'll make it to my due date. At 37 weeks I progressed to 5cm and 90%. I have no idea what I'm at now, but I'll be 40 wks thurs. I guess my little guy just wants…
  • I breastfed my son and he never had a problem with gas. If he was awake I would try to burp him sometimes getting something out of him but other times nothing. If he fell asleep, which like yours he usually always did after eating, I would just let …
  • I am 37+2, I have been feeling the heaviness on the bladder and the sensation to pee right after finishing for, it seems like, quite a while. Then with the shooting pains they started a few weeks and are an off and on thing. Somedays they happen a l…
  • I have shooting pains like you're talking about as well. Mine are also when I walk or stand and go straight through my birthing canal. I have a constant heaviness on my bladder. Like I just get done peeing, stand up and feel an intense urge like I'm…
  • My Dr told me if I went into labor prior to my 36 week point the hospital is required to do what they can to stop labor. Of course its a different story if your water was to break.
  • @lyndsay1983 yes it is awful. I don't remember going through this "dazed" phase with my first. I also have a ton of stuff I need and want to get done, but am making no progress. I feel like I'm just going in circles. And the skin pigment i…
  • I feel similar to what you're feeling. My body and mind feel completely wore out and weak. I'm trying to get all my last minute things done but really spend a lot of time just wandering around in a daze because I'm having a difficult time focusing. …
  • With my first pregnancy I didn't get any. This time I just noticed 3 of them on my very low part of my belly. I'm hoping they easily fade with time because they are very light. For now they are there :( I'm hoping no more show up. I'm 35+5 so I almo…
  • With my son I started training him shortly before his 2nd b-day. When it comes to peeing I have never had a problem with him. He knows when he has to go and takes care of it all by himself. Pooping, however, has been an extreme battle. He won't sit …
  • Due sept 22nd with a boy!
  • They sell the soothing sounds bear at target. I don't know much of the details about how loud they get or price, but I saw them in the baby section less than a week ago.
  • @barb4209 yeah, it was no fun at all. Its the same concentrated drink as the 1 hour except you have to drink more. Then of course a lot more blood draws. The time actually went by surprisingly fast, but I didn't like the way it made me feel at all. …
  • I failed my 1 hour. I just finished the 3 hour test and I will never complain about the 1 hour one again! This one was awful. The place I went let you leave and come back at the blood draw times, but I felt so sick I just layed in my car in the park…
  • I breastfed my son for 19 mo. When I stopped breastfeeding him and the milk dried up I did lose a little bit of size and fullness which made them feel a bit deflated, but within a few months the skin started tightenening back up and they didn't feel…
  • I am. I saw the dr at last at 23 weeks and he said I was measuring 6 weeks ahead. Had an utrasound and babys development is right on track with my original due date and my fluid levels were what they should be so he didn't know why I measure so big.…
  • You could use a tennis ball and lay on your back on the ground. Slide over to one side and put the tennis ball under your back wherever you need it and then roll your body weight onto the ball. You can control the pressure by putting more or less of…
  • I feel you on this one! I've been having pelvic pain that started at about 15 weeks and I'm now 26 weeks. It hurts to walk, lay down, roll over, and today it hurts so bad I can no longer cross my legs...still have a while to go...
  • With my 1st son I loved huggies little cuddlers. Especially when he was really young because they had the back flap. Those were the only diapers that we wouldn't get blow outs with. As he got a little older and his poop got more solid he was fine wi…
  • @Singlemomofsoontobe3 I've never heard it explained that way, but that visual made me get up and pour myself an extra large glass of water!
  • For my 1st son we did a pirates theme, which worked really well for us because pirates aren't too babyish and he'll be able to keep his room decorated that way for a while. Now I'm pregnant with our 2nd boy and I saw a super cute turtles set that I …
  • Darn you @buebug3 for mentioning a sag test!! Of course I had to try it. For some reason I thought my breasts we're holding up pretty well for being on my second pregnancy, but BOOOOOOOO!! :( that's all I'm going to say about it.
  • When I take my son to the park I always drive to several different ones just to find the park with no other kids at it. I know it sounds awful, but so many parents don't teach their kids manners and don't bother watching them. I'm such a laid back e…
  • @one5one I first started losing mine slowly over a few days, like just in small pieces. When I would go to the bathroom or wipe there would be gooey discharge. Then one day (sorry if this grosses you out) I was taking a shower and washing and I felt…
  • @one5one I don't know about the umbilical cord question but I know when I was pregnant with my first I lost my mucus plug and it sounds like what you're describing. It was like a gooey gelatenous discharge. I told my Dr about it and he said it was n…
  • @TwinMamaToBe if I were you I would definitely shop around! That sounds so rediculously expensive. With my 1st son I got professional belly pictures done and it was no where near that expensive. We didn't do the structured studio type pictures we di…
  • I bought some pee pee tee pees with my first son because ii thought they were funny and cute. I never ended up using them, but I don't regret buying them. I still think they're cute and I packed them in his memory box with other keepsakes that he ca…
  • I've never liked the taste or even the smell of beer, but with this pregnancy I'm craving it. Whenever my husband drinks a cold beer, especially fresh from the tap, it looks and smells so good!
  • My son turned 2 in January and one of his favorite movies is the 3rd Shrek. There's a part on there when they are headed to the castle and they say something like "land of swimming pools and movie stars" For some reason he picked up the wo…
  • I'm 22weeks and my babies heart beat has been consistantly over 160. I thought for sure we were having a girl, but unless the stem falls off the apple we are most definitely having a little boy!!!
  • I think long hair isn't difficult to manage at all with kids. I'm a stay at home mom and when I'm in full on mommy mode the hair is always up and back off my face, but then when it comes to one on one time with my husband I'm able to wear it down an…