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  • I despise Black Friday, lol. I am usually the person checking you out at the electronics counter and I was beyond excited when I realized that my maternity leave meant I got to be off for Black Friday this year!! I am not leaving my house all day,…
  • I don't know, but I would ask your dr. Leaving it untreated might make it worse in the long run. Good luck.
  • Try a different paci. We had to go through a couple with my oldest, although the hospital shaped ones seem to work the best. I had to offer it to the new baby a few times before she figured it out.
  • Just try and relax and stay calm. Also, don't expect it to go really quickly, mine both took 12 hours from the start of pitocin. I highly recommend the epi too! I slept through my first labor and read a book during my second, lol! Good luck!
  • Even though her size is really big, her lungs might not be, so if I were you, I would call your doctor and see what they suggest, or just go in to L&D and get checked out. If you are in labor, they will probably try and stop it. Good luck!
  • I would get on bc if he's going to pull crap like that. Good luck!
  • The peeling is very normal. It's from where they were in water so long. You don't need to switch soaps or use lotion, it will go away on it's own. Same thing with the acne!
  • I think everyone's relationships go through tough spots and it sounds like you've managed to do some of the toughest all at once, lol!! Having a baby, buying a house, a car, planning a wedding...all super, super stressful things when it comes to yo…
  • My ped said not to use nursery water until 6 months, because she doesn't need the flouride.
  • I freaked out, when my daughter was a week old, she had this massive poop and it got all over, including in her umbilical cord! I washed it off with warm soapy water and then swabbed it with alcohol, and it turned out fine. She lost her cord a day…
  • You shouldn't put cereal in a bottle because it is a choking hazard. Studies have shown that it doesn't make your baby sleep any longer and it can actually mess up the mechanism that tells them how full they are and lead to childhood obesity. I w…
  • Emily, she'll be 4 weeks old on Tues: (Image)
  • Emily is almost 4 weeks old, I had her 10-18. She was 7 lbs 4 oz at birth and I think she's a little over 8 lbs now. I don't even want to think about weight loss, lol!! I'm back to prepreggo, but I still have a LONG way to go til I'm at a good w…
  • Rocking her to sleep is what works best for me. One thing to be careful of is that you aren't putting her down before she's really out. If you can pick up her arm and drop it with no resistance, then try and lay her down. If you can't, she's not …
  • I switched back and forth between similac and enfamil and then from liquid to powder, without any issues.
  • Same here, she sleeps 3 to 4 hours, eats and goes right back to sleep!
  • I didn't get an option? Lol. I just let my dr decide what was best. I was cut with my oldest and tore with my second. I felt like the healing was the same both times, but I got 4 stitches from the cut and 2 from tearing, so I didn't have a major …
  • @momof22be 5 Guys is yummy though!
  • We have one and I went once and the food was really salty and I wasn't impressed, but everyone else I know loves it, so maybe it was just me!
  • If you choose to have sex, you should definitely use a condom. You are super fertile after you give birth and you can get pregnant again right away. Pulling out is not effective birth control.
  • If he's still fussing and sucking on his fists and you can't soothe him with a pacifier or something, then try giving him more. You can do a 3 oz bottle and see how much of it he drinks at his next feeding. At my 2 week appt, they gave me a paper…
  • I didn't want to see any of that, lol, but at my hospital they have a mirror they'll put down there so you can see if you want.
    in x Comment by laura536 November 2011
  • I've been switching between similac and enfamil with no issues. I want to use enfamil, but I keep getting similac samples, lol.
  • I never let my older daughter cry it out, she stopped crying to be held around 8 months, when she was ready to explore things on her own. There is nothing wrong with holding your baby when it cries, you are teaching them that you will always be th…
  • I'm strictly formula feeding and my baby is still gassy.
  • I've had 2 inductions and they both went really well! My epi worked, I felt minimal pain, both girls were born within 15 minutes of starting to push. My mom had a really awful induction and she said if her babies were as easy to have as mine, she'…
  • With my oldest, they said she was 8 lbs 6 oz and she weighed 7 lbs 6 oz at birth. With the new baby, they said she weigh 6 lbs 6 oz and she weighed 7 lbs 4 oz. So I've had one wrong in both directions. This time, at my last ultrasound, the doctor…
  • Our hospital only had Similac, but I used Enfamil last time and planned to this time as well. We switched to Enfamil after I ran out of the Similac from the hospital and she's much less fussy now. Enfamil is the best in my opinion. But they are re…
  • I'm 39 weeks tomorrow and getting induced tomorrow too. The thought that this time tomorrow, I'll be having a baby is freaking me out a little! I kind of still want my extra week, but my pelvic pain is at an all time high right now, so I'm ok with…
  • Call your OB, but don't panic. Towards the end your cervix gets really sensitive and it could be spotting from intercourse or part of your mucous plug. Your OB should be aware though, just in case it's a sign of infection or something.