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  • Omg! I'm watching it now. I get some of them but this girl ballooned to over 300lbs and had TWINS! I mean really??
  • She can call them and get what's called a foreberance. Its something they offer to allow you to put off the payments for a certain amount of time due to hardship.
  • @pregnantelf I hadn't done much research into the 3 wheel strollers. I thought they were all jogging strollers. Ill have to check into them. I love the thought of a trigger fold. I was with a girlfriend of mine the first time she used her travel sys…
  • @due8311 OMG! That's to funny. And ironically I had the same thought about the frame being mismatched. Safety 1st (I think that's the brand) has a universal frame that comes in pink and black but the weight restriction on the snugrider is higher and…
  • @ashley_smashley Thanks. Again I haven't actually tested either frame so it would come down to that but I'm trying to stay away from things that are to foo foo girly for my bf's sake. I thought he would appreciate the pink and black. Plus it got goo…
  • I definitely get what you're saying but I like the categories. When I get on pregly I rarely go to specific categories anyway. I always go to the main forum to see all the new posts. Even if its a post in the plus size category I'm still going to co…
  • @jay_brad I think when you buy a stroller second hand the concept is going to be the same with both. If you get a second hand travel system you'll still have to buy the carseat new just like if you get a second hand frame.
  • @ashley_smashley Oh ok. You're getting the Baby Trend. I was looking at the Snug Rider only because I found a carseat I really liked that's the same brand. This is the carseat: http://www.toysrus.com/product/prodpop.jsp?LargeImageURL=http%3A//TRUS.…
  • @cee808 Me too! I got all my leggings ($4.99 a pop) and sun dresses from there. I tried to get maternity jeans from Old Navy but they didn't work out. The belly band didn't look good either. I'm going to try some super lowrise jeans and see how they…
  • @bentleysmommy Hell yes! 2 mos ago even my doctor was saying I wasn't gaining enough weight. She had me on Ensure and everything. At my last appt. I had gained 10lbs in 4wks. Now she's like slow down you still have 3 more mos. I'm still pretty small…
  • @ashley_smashley That's actually not a bad idea. If I get frame that's compatible with the carseat that comes with the travel system it could work out really well. Then I can say "I told ya so" when they'd rather my the lighter, smaller fr…
  • @firsttimemommytobe So does my Mom! Lol. That's her biggest issue with the frame. She's going to be our primary babysitter so I'm trying to take her opinion into consideration as well. The umbrellas do look a little "chinchy" but there are…
  • @ashley_smashley I think I've pretty much made my mind up in favor of the frame. I'm just trying to convince everyone around me (especially my Mom and BF). Its like all they know is the travel system. I wanted to ask here first because I've never us…
  • @firsttimemommytobe No. They can't grow with it. Once they're out of the carseat they're done with it. I talked to a couple friends who had the travel system and ended up buying umbrella strollers after the carseat stage anyway. They also have the f…
  • Hey Ladies!! I'm just discovering this. 5'1 used to be 109lbs now 123lbs. I just posted about my dillema with the bulky tarvel systems. What are you guys using?
  • Here's something to think about.....there's a difference between wants and needs. I have to remind myself of this. Our financial situation changed drastically after I found out I was preggo. There are a few things I wanted my baby to have that she m…
  • @mikeandronadopt Sounds like a possible lack of basic cyber ettiquette. Another pet peeve of mine. Like when people type in all caps. I'm like WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING AT ME? Lol. On the other hand, adoption is a very sensitive topic. She may not know …
  • Oooh these are some good ones, but I have to say lateness is my #1. I'm a time nazi. I can't stand it! My bf is a repeat offender.
  • I believe that my baby has a personality already. She gets mad, excited, tired, ect. So I'm sure she cries. My BF thinks I'm crazy.
  • @mikeandronadopt I think you said a mouthfull when you said "two wrongs don't make a right". I have issues knowing when I'm wrong. That's a flaw I can admit to. That's why I tend to ask outside opinions. I didn't consider throwing these th…
  • @gatorbob That is some seriously mature thinking. It absolutely makes since to put myself in his shoes. After all, usually when your arguing with someone its cause you want them to understand your point of view. If we both did that off the top it mi…
  • @newmomma13 I had to start telling him to be places 30mins before he actually needs to be just to makes sure he's on time. That's part of the reason he had to wait so long. I had already told him the bus was arriving 20mins before it really was, the…
  • @mommie_mcatee Oooh I was reading an interview in Essences magazine that they did with him. He was talking about the book. It really did sound interesting. Imma try to pick it up.
  • Yeah. They say pick your battles. I tend to want to fight everything out especially when I'm right. I guess maybe it is a maturity thing. I'm learning. Its not easy having your flaws pointed out but if y'all agree with my Mom then clearly its not ju…
  • Brielle Bianca Next Poster...Has your bf/hubby been a good boy during your pregnancy?
  • Mommy_of_two "pipe dream"? lmao. Never heard that term before. I'm crackin up. Made my night.
  • I have literally called my bf flipping out. I had dream he had a baby on the way with someone else. I woke up and thought it really happened. That's just the tip of the iceburg. Mine usually involve my bf pissing me off in some way. Lol. However, I…
  • OMG! I just left New York City after standing in the pouring rain for 2hrs waiting for the Megabus. @menemami and @caroline8_p @blueberrysmom I'm glad I'm not in Jersey this week and if its raining Jersey should be glad too. Lol. I hate driving the…
  • Me and my BF love them too. I have all the DVD's. I didn't fall in love with the last one but I know this one is going to be good. She's one of the most detailed authors I've ever read. That's why her books are so good. Does anyone know if its gonn…
  • This is my first. I asked my doc at my last appointment when we will discuss induction. She giggled and said "unless there's a medical emergency we won't". She said they expect first time moms go over. So, now I'm bracing myself for the po…