39 year old or older ttc

edited August 2011 in Thirty Plus
Just need some insight on ttc mom 39 yes plus, please share how long you have ttc, how many kids you have n their age


  • I am 39. I have an 8 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. I have been trying for 6 months. It took me 2 months to get pg with my son and 1 month for my daughter. It is much harder now.
  • If it's okay to ask, what made you wait? Life occurences, work, family, financial problems, thought you were done, timing was never right, didn't have the right person for you and your kids, something else?

    I'm only 21, but my mom had my youngest brother at almost 37 and by the time I was in my teens, in her mid to late 40s, she was going through menopause. I remember it mostly around age 14 to 17.

    I wish you all the best in ttc and hope we get to see some babies soon. :)
  • Thanks ladies, I will keep everyone posted.
  • I was 39 when we got pregnant. 40 now and due in november. It took about three months of really trying. I used the WomanLog app.
  • edited August 2011
    @babygir2011, @tryingforbaby3 and @blueberrysmom how do u guys feel about being 35+ and "high risk" for so many thing? ? So the docs say. My mom had me at 43! And I have a lil sis too...lollol
  • @mommyof3tobe Pretty okay. So far so good!
  • @blueberrysmom do ur docs do anything extra? More ultrasounds ? Do they recommend the amniocentesis just because ur 35+ ? Probably depends on ur doc too. I don't think 35+ has always been high risk.
  • @mommyof3tobe I declined the amnio and just did the ultrasound and bodywork to test for genetic diseases. Everything was fine. I think there are more ultrasounds but not that many. This is my first so I don't have much to compare it to but it all seems pretty normal. They don't treat me any differently. I'm glad we waited. I'm 40 and Kelly is 45. We didn't get married until almost four years ago, though. Finally, the time was right to start trying. We're very blessed.
  • @blueberrysmom :-) aww happy 4 u. Glad u declined the amnio . I would've too. Sounds way too risky !
  • I'm 35. We tried for 2 months & I'm 24 weeks due 11/24. I've been high risk because of my age and fibroids. Its been tough but things are coming along. I refused the amnio & did the bloodwork and screenings like @blueberrysmom. I'm being monitored by both my regular OB and my high risk OB.
  • Got preg at 38... Had my 3rd and last 7weeks ago.. the day I turned 39!!! (My bday gift)
    I thought We were done! Started on Birth Control pills and pum got preg a mnth later... Was devasted!! But Im Blessed with a gorgeous baby!
  • @blueberrysmom... you do not look 40! I thought you were like... 30 at the most!

    Happy to see happy healthy babies. :)
  • @bigtalkingtori You just earned yourself a spot on my list of favorite people! Lol! :ar!
  • @blueberrysmom Haha. I'm being serious though. I hope I look that good at 40. I was too young to remember my mom at 40, and my sister smokes so she looks a lot older than 33. So I have no idea what I'll look like. Lol. Here's hoping! :)

    I think it might have to do with how you're always smiling so big in your photos! That's a good quality! \:D/
  • @mommyof3tobe, I am not worried about any "high risk" my mom had my baby sister when she was 38 years old, my older sister had her last baby at 38 also n had no complications, my little sister is now 21 yrs old ...I always pray for a healthe baby....I am not currently preg I had a mc in Feb at 10 wks old I also have 2 kids from a prev relationship a 15 YR old boy n a 10 YR old girl, I would like to have a baby for my hubby now.....
  • Oh I hope u guys get pregnant! ! Yeah I don't think I would worry about the high risk stuff either. I was just wondering what u guys take on it was.
  • We thought we were done. Changed our minds. Lots of things make you high risk other than age and age is the only thing working against me. I am thin, workout every day, eat healthy, don't smoke etc. My great grandma lived to 106 and my grandpa is 92 and lives alone. I think I am less high risk than most people younger than me.
  • my mom was 45 when she had my lil brother :)
  • Amen. And I am sure he is glad she had him despite being AMA (advanced maternal age).
  • @tryingforbaby3, I am just curious you did't mention that you were pregnant, r u currently pregnant, do u have any kids n how old r u?, if u don't mind me asking.
  • Sorry I just went back to the top n read your post...good luck
  • Good luck to you too!
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