today is my first day to the rest of my life....

edited July 2012 in Babies
Today is my first day alone with the kids....I had my baby girl on July the 2nd and my baby boy is 16 months....i'm worried im suck at this. Like what if I can't handle it....Idk I wish I wouod live with one my sisters or something for I can have some help...but not with the babys. But for me. Idk I just need someone.

Oh and p.s I made a Facebook again....look me up Thalia Bandera. Ill put the full link right now.


  • Don't worry you will do great, I was nervous after I had my second I wouldn't be able to handle it, but it is just wonderful having both pf them together, besides them picking on each other lol, I have a 10 month old and a 2 1/2 year old, both boys! :O
  • I sent u a request Crystal Zapata
  • I sent you a request too hun, Sarah Jimenez. You will do great. When I has Elena in Oct my other two were 6 and 4 and it was ok. Just try not to overdue it thats all. I think the thing that made me the most tired at first was trying to go out and go the the stores with them all at once.
  • Stay organized and on schedule and you'll do fine. And don't worry... If you do suck at it . Your babies will never know the difference. ;-)
  • Well I have gone thur half i'm I think i'm doing ok I toke a the morning!!
    And they slept for an xtra 2 hours and then Adrian was a good baby all day and he is down for his nap...well both are. I think in doing awesome!!
  • @Sjmomof3 I know I added you! And you to @skysma
  • If u r worried about sucking at it then u will be great. No need to worry a mothers love always finds a way to make it thru the good and bad times. My son is 12 months old and I have another due in October so I know some what how u feel my kids will be 15 months a part u will do fine just have faith in ur self as a mother and a strong women.
  • And u can add me on fb look for Ashley Lynn Polston and my pic is of an ultrasound I don't know how to send the link like u did
  • I was worried about the same thing but once I start taking care of my 13month daughter n my newborn babyboy I notice its,not that bad, ;) now he is 6weeks old n my daughter is 14months .. U can do it!!
  • Yea I get tired but when I see then both asleep it so worth it. =) that you ask for your help.
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