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  • Start timing the random cramping and see if there is any pattern. Can you keep fluids down? Dehydration makes it all worse :(
  • Hopefully sore throat will be even better tomorrow!!!
  • @ExcitedForOctober i was really excited when we found it, I am in the same boat as you, hoping breastfeeding works out but not willing to spend $300 on a 'maybe'! :O
  • The sore throat sucks for sure, that's what kept me up :( I gargled with warm salt water a lot but I think you can use that chloraseptic spray but I'm not sure. With my colds, it went away in two days, my doc said if it lasts longer than 2 days g…
  • I found a set at Target for $90 that has the dual electric pump, two bottles, inserts and storage containers. If I leave it in the cellophane wrap I can take it back if I need to...Playtex makes it, I never saw it in any of my previous searches …
  • No, I didn't even take tylenol for mine...I just sat in the steam and was miserable for about 3-4 days and then things finally started getting better. My dad always used those breathe right strip things but they hurt to pull off!
  • @redhead25 He may have needed it, a lot of times those "sterile" cystitis issues can develop bacteria if you don't treat it so it is more of a prevention thing to actually save you more money in the future and having to be on stronger meds…
  • I have had two colds...preggo colds are the worst :( I would just sit in the hot shower and wait for my nose to open up since you can't take any good medicine :P Flu always gives you a fever. I have heard something called Netti pots help with con…
  • I was told it can build itself back up, especially if you lost it after having your cervix checked and then you can lose it all over again...super fun ;)
  • Oh my gosh, yes! I spent all afternoon crampy and contracting the day I got checked so I decided no more of that! Doesn't really tell you that much anyway :p Try drinking some water and either walk around or sit and rest, whatever the opposite of…
  • @redhead25 Cats, especially boy cats, can get a sterile (not infected) inflammation of the bladder that puts blood in their urine but not much else and they pee everywhere 'cause it hurts, just like a person's uti. That condition if it is mild will…
  • Do you have a fever? Colds don't typically have a fever but the flu does. Flu symptoms also come out of nowhere and colds you can feel coming for a few days.
  • It is free to donate it, but you need to make sure your hospital is involved with a donation program. If not, it is really difficult to get it donated. has a list of hospitals by state that participate in donor programs.
  • Little one will have some cool birthday parties!
  • I agree with all of the other ladies, head over to the hospital to make sure nothing is ectopic or anything else...
  • Baby Center says it takes 3 hours to clear the nicotine from your system and the levels in milk are highest 30-60mins after you smoke. I have also heard you should wash your hands and face really well and even your hair and change your shirt before…
  • Aw sweetie, I'm sorry :( If the house needs cleaned, tell the bf to get off his lazy a** and take care of it. I know that doesn't really help but he's pissing me off and I don't even know him! Call your pediatrician tomorrow and have little Ayva…
  • Interesting, I haven't read much about the delayed cord cutting but I will look into it. I had a heinous experience with a midwife and am praying one is not on duty when I deliver, give me a doctor...but I know plenty of people have had the opposit…
  • You can always take the bumper out at bedtime and then just tie it back in during the day if baby isn't going to nap in the crib. most stroller/carrier units are around $100-150, Target online is often at least 25% cheaper on that stuff than it is …
  • I wanted to donate but no hospital in the state I am in does it....bummer :(
  • I think the books are better....the internet has such inaccurate information and all it does is freak me out :p
  • Go for it @LoveBeingMommy! My arm hurt for the rest of the day but if you keep moving it around it goes away quickly, that's the only thing that bugged me :)
  • It is as important for you as it is for can pass your antibodies from the shot to your baby and then he/she can be protected for upp to six months after birth when they are old enough to get their own shot...a large percentage of hospi…
  • I believe we are all well aware of medical marijuana being used, than you, and for terminal and/or painful illnesses, go ahead and knock yourself have to be careful with medical studies, they have to have a large enough sample group to be …
  • That's weird, I alwats thought seeing spots wasn't good, preggo or not! Do you have a blood pressure cuff at home? Walgreens has them cheap...then you can track your bp during the day while you are resting at home then maybe you can show them it…
  • My best friend had pre e at 36 weeks...she was on meds and bed rest until 39 weeks when her doc felt it was safest for the baby as long as she didn't get headaches or see spots or anything....
  • If it has you thinking about and concerned that it might not be safe, it probably means don't do it...if you're smart enough to realize it might be an issue then you're smart enough to not risk it while breastfeeding...
  • My contractions and cramping are way worse when I don't drink can have fruit juice or water or sports drinks, all of that helps along with resting. Soup can be salty so be careful there....take care of yourself mama!!!! We are thinkin…
  • Are you feeling any better???
  • Maybe she and the father already discussed what they would do if they got sounds like her mind is made up...just be a friend to her know and give her your love and support...I could never do it but that doesn't mean others shouldn't ha…