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  • I had a craving for smores ice cream without even knowing it exsisted. I found out that ben and jerrys makes if but walmart didn't have it. They just had one with marshmellow ice cream and it sounded gross XP. Where did you find it???
  • @victoriaB I'm having mine natural and that's exactly why. I want to be fully aware of everything that's going on. I'm also afriad of a stillborn...but I'm scared every day for a miscarriage. I guess that's normal
  • @excitedforoctober I would feel so bad. I would stop the whole devilery so I could clean myself up. I already apoplogized to the staff a thousand times because my due date is Thanksgiving and I feel like I would be taking them away from their famil…
  • @excitedforoctober THAT is one of my main concerns. Haha wayyy before a c section. That and with how gassy I've been...I don't want to gas out the place! Tmi, I know. But my boyfriend is adamit about never watching me use the bathroom so that would …
  • @blessedmom_2x That's what I would think. I mean with any kind of invasive surgery people will be afriad but this is one of the most common procedures done now a days. I wouldn't have one unless absolutely nessisary, I'm doing it all natural and am …
  • I'm surprised so many people are afriad of a C section....are there any particular reasons? I'm not really afriad of pain or scars...so a C section isn't even on my top 5 list...
  • It just seems so scary to me! @jaimieeex that is interesting althought id never try it either! @one5one I'm giving birth in a birthing center. Its an amazing place. I'm very uncomfortable in hospitals and figured it would just make things worse, but…
  • I heard mine for the first time today too! Same senario! I'm 11 weeks =)
  • Me and my boyfriend are doing that. We might have the first day with family so they don't go crazy about not seeing the little one but after that we are spending a week with no phones.
  • I'm not hoping for one or the other. I just want a beautiful healthy baby. But now since I've been thinking that its a girl, I'm excited for a girl. I've even started talking to her and calling her by her name. Jeez I sound so obsessive! Just really…
  • @kritten_octoberbby I'm just 10 weeks but I've been sensing a girl for a couple weeks now. I just have a feeling. This was the first dream though. I'm insisting in calling her my daughter. Ohhh that will be an embarrassing story to tell if its reall…
  • My baby girl will be Chloe Skye =)
  • I can't do this alone. I can barely pay my bills...how can two people "just be friends" after 3 years of a perfect relationship. We will have a child together for gods sake...I can't do this.
  • @SimplyJenai very good point. I think once I see the baby and love it I won't care what its name is.
  • @SimplyJenai you have a really good point. I'm going to talk to him tonight or this weekend to see if we can work something out. I want everything to work out between us so this won't be a big deal. I love him with all my heart.
  • @KerrideeRN Thanks mama
  • Does Tristan Nicholas sound okay?
  • @karla_with_a_k he's leaving because he found out I had kissed someone during a week that I was mad at him. A kiss...that's all. I've never slept with another man in my entire life. But now he feels that he can't trust me with anything. Which is rid…
  • Thanks, I'm hoping I have a girl just so I can avoid this whole situation
  • @Karla_with_a_K Thanks, I thought the same too. I know he won't abandon the baby, he really wants to be a dad. But he doesn't trust me and doesn't think its his (it is. I'm 100% sure). Its going to be hard letting him know his baby boy won't have hi…
  • I've always liked Cadyn or Cayden, however you want to spell it. But my BD hates it =(
  • Nov 24th...I cramp a lot. I'm 8 weeks 6 days. It feels like regular menstrual cramps. My nausea and vomitting keep getting worse..I just hope it stops soon! Oh, first baby and I'm 19 y/o
  • @novbaby I'm 8 weeks 5 days too! That's awesome
  • He left me.
  • @mom60511 I want to do that but I feel like i'll be forcing him to be with me. If he really doesn't want a family, I dont want to beg him to stay. Maybe I'm just stubborn but I feel like this is a decision he needs to make without my influence.
  • @PrayingForMiracles @isaiahnjocelynsmommy @Jaime77 Thank you. I really needed to hear that. I got the dreaded "We need to talk" TEXT earlier.. I'm trying not to think the worst but I'm prepared for anything.
  • My niece's name is Aurora Bliss. Its different but its grown on me =) good luck =)
  • Im due November 24th as well! Thanksgiving baby! I want a healthy fulll term baby (but I have a strong feeling its a girl), my hubby wants a boy (of course). But people keep bringing up twins and the number 2 has been popping up all over the place! …
  • @sheronachin20 I started taking mine the day after I found out...so a week a go. But I've felt like this since the middle of march. =( but I will try to switch vitamins, that sounds like a good idea.
  • I'm 19, 8 wees preggo. I'm in Sanford