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  • My son is 11 and was 3 when he was diagnosed with pdd, pervasive developmental disorder, which is on the autism spectrum.. we called early intervention and he got evaluated which was the first step, after that we took him to a specialist for more te…
  • Jacey will be 15 months in a couple weeks, he never liked any baby food, by 11 months he was on 100% table food.. And he's got 12 teeth so him chewing is definitely not an issue lol
  • @mama_kat that is too cute!! A few weeks ago jace grabbed my hand and led me out to where his bottles are kept and said "my baba mamma"
  • Jacey loves little einsteins and mickey mouse clubhouse
  • My one year old is saying mama, dada, baba, bubba <the name of my sisters goat and jacey poo loves him so much
  • Jace is 10 months and has 8 teeth, we brush his teeth every night after bathy time..
  • Jacey is 10 months and I started a month ago decreasing the time in the micro too, @starrxoxo9, I'm a bad mommy to lol.. the only time I have it warm now is at bedtime..
  • My 10 month old has 8 teeth, 4 on top and 4 on the bottom.. He grinds them together all the time, the noise makes me cringe!!!
  • Jace was 8 months when I started mixing formula and whole milk and within a week he was successfully switched over, we've had no problems with him at all, hes 10 months now and has a 9 oz bottle at bedtime,.once during the night and for his two naps…
  • Both my boys weighed 7 lbs 2 ozs.. Dakota steven thomas palmer is 11 yrs and jace everett lee palmer is 9 mths
  • I'm so sick of dead beat parents!!! my sister in law was an alcoholic, drug addict when she found out she was pregnant, she planned on having an abortion so she continued to drink and party, well she didn't know quite how far along she was so aborti…
  • I've given jace about a cup of whole milk to see how he would do and no issues whatsoever!! I plan on switching him over by ten months.. I plan on doing half formula and half whole milk for a few days and slowly adding more milk and less formula..
  • @second_time_mommy7 I agree with tashalou, I've also heard that babies will work on one skill at a time.. And I would sit jace in the middle of his boppy pillow with a ton of other pillows around it so he'd be ok if he fell over, or sometimes I woul…
  • When he was weighed a couple weeks ago he weighed 22 lbs..
  • @mommy2be711 Cause every baby is different.. I wouldn't worry one bit, my bosses granddaughter didn't get any teeth tll she was 11 months old..
  • @yeseniadiaz59 so far he hasn't had a fever or anything, he's just acting normal like nothings going on.. Hes drooling like crazy and he keeps running his tongue over the new teeth coming in..
  • Lol they are so cute and look so different with teeth..
  • Jace is 7 1/2 months and he loves little einsteins, mickeys clubhouse and wonder pets
  • A kid that I grew up next to was charged with raping his 9 month old daughter.. It was so disgusting!!! The poor lil girl will never be the same, she will most likely have a colostomy bag for the rest of her life and because she wasnt breathing for …
  • Jace is almost 8 months and was sleeping through the night from 6 weeks until 4 months and then all of a sudden he quit sleeping through the night, hes getting up 2 sometimes 3 times in the night now.. He hasn't slept through the night once in 4 mo…
  • also, When he was in this position he was holding his hand out so when I reached for his hand I swear he was grunting and trying to stand and he did however I was supporting most of his weight but he was making the movements, I was just making sure …
  • I would put a teaspoon or teaspoon and a half of rice cereal in my sons bedtime bottle, he never slept any longer though.. I would use the fast flow nipple.. When my oldest was a baby, he's 11 now, I bought a feeder bottle and it was the best thing,…
  • Jace has two teeth that he got last month.. Were just waiting for more to start coming in anyday..
  • Jace is in 12/18 month clothes too and some 24 month clothes.. Hes not pulling himself up to stand yet.. He was sleeping 12 to 13 hours straight through the night but at 4 months he decided he didn't want to sleep anymore and he hasn't slept through…
  • Jace is 7 months, I started him last month on his sippy.. I got him a soft nippled sippy cup that is spill proof.. I have one with handles and one without and he does better with the one with handles, he will hold his own bottle.. I only put diluted…
  • @ericak22 sounds like my son, he won't eat any veggies whatsoever!! Only fruits and bananas are his favorite!!! I tried giving him mashed potatoes, I figured he would love them but you would have sworn that I was feeding him poop lol he hated them!!!
  • He will eat some table food... I get him to eat what I can.. He loves all of the gerber graduates lil snacks, puffs, wheels and yogurt puffs.. Hes definitely not starving lol
  • What about trying the teething tablets along with the orajel.. they definately helped jacey out especially in the middle of the night when he was so tired but in a lot of pain and just crying hysterically.. just a couple or 3 of them under the tong…
  • Jace started crawling a week before he turned 7 months.. @rosiepie he was rocking on all fours for a few weeks falling every time he tried to move and then one day he just took right off, now there is no stopping him lol.. She will be on the move sh…
  • @wyattsmommy Jace practiced on his hands and knees for a couple weeks, falling every time and then all of a sudden he just took right off.. He is a big boy but looks to small to be crawling