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  • I had it in both breasts and they told me to nurse UNLESS the consistency changed (it got slimey and gross green/yellow, which was the infection clearing out through my breasts) luckily I had a hospital grade pump that I was using at the time the in…
  • Baby will have white patches in his mouth and possibly a bad diaper rash. @_kaykes
  • @lae3 & @honestlyhopeful lol I spoke too soon. Lost mucous plug Sunday and had my baby Friday >_<
  • I'm 40 weeks and ftm and I've had way more symptoms of labor than that but still no baby yet... :/ everyday I wake up feeling like today is the day and every night I go to bed thinking tomorrow has got to be the day
  • Some of mine came out Sunday, I thought I'd have a baby by the end of the week.... nothing has happened yet :'( Mine was clear and slightly green, really sticky like a kids goo toy. How big was everyone else's? @newmomma13 @honestlyhopeful @lae3 min…
  • @kelseyjo awwww you're only 34 weeks lol I'm 40 trust me you think you can't get any bigger then you do!
  • I would talk to my doc if I was you, you can get dehydrated easily. As for baby not moving as much remember he is running out of room! Mine stopped moving so much a little earlier than you
  • Make sure you are also getting enough potassium from natural sources like fruits bananas nectarines etc also sitting in water up to your neck for an hour or more really relieves swelling. If you have a pool or large bathtub. The coolest water you ca…
  • I'm a ftm so maybe you shouldn't take my advice but I say let her sleep... lol Edit: I just found an article that says newborns need to eat at least every 4 hours. So maybe let her sleep a little longer the try again? You just had your baby? I woul…
  • "I'm just waiting until you weigh more than me, that'll be my day!" (-best friend. Who is male and weight lifting. Thanks, ass) "I'm exhausted!" (-bf, countless times) "I bet you feel like a whale" -random douche at w…
  • @mimii36 idk he was just in a pissy mood when we left.... I was like thanks for just staring. Just like last night I washed baby clothes and all he did was stare at me then get on facebook while I did it.... idk I just can't take being the mother al…
  • I did! but I wouldn't worry. it's just a bacteria that some women have and some don't. Just be sure if you have any labor signs to go to the hospital as early as possible to get the medication. As long as you get it you are fine. Even if you don't, …
  • @adri805 that must not be true I just got checked & baby is really low but no dilatation yet
  • @adri805 I have had sharp shooting pains way up inside my vagina, like where the cervix is, and I asked a couple fellow mothers if they thought it was me dilating and they all sternly said no! I swear that's what it is though
  • @marabel I wonder the same thing o_O I have none yet and I'm 39 weeks but my mom got them e everywhere and I had them all over my butt and hips from puberty. But I remember getting them during puberty and what they looked like & I don't see that…
  • @captainmorgaine that last thing you said, that's exactly how I feel. I want to hold him not pass him around person to person... but bf thinks differently :'( he said a long time ago that he feels like I get to experience pregnancy so he and others …
  • As early as possible! Where do you live? Find out if your state has a program about installing car seats. 5 out of 6 car seats are not installed properly. I live in California and the Highway Patrol has a program where they will show you how to inst…
  • @ethansmommy122 well I have my parents, bf, best friend, sister, bfs mom, bfs two sisters all ok'ed by me to come in. But (yes this sounds weird) my aunt, cousins, etc all want to come. They didn't even tell us when they had their babies, nor did th…
  • I miss my 10-12 hr nights of sleep :( its not fair that bf still gets them
  • It wont be a stress on the baby it will just take its toll on you. Be sure to keep a healthy diet and get as many breaks and as much sleep as you can. All the walking should make your labor a little easier though lol. && if you think about …
  • How sad :( hopefully they get her help instead of jail....kid doesn't need to lose another parent.
  • I'm 40 weeks and still fkn waiting! Ughhhhh! Haven't been checked no idea if I'm dilated
  • Agreed. I want to not be prego anymore I'd like some too tag me...!
  • Whens ur due date? I'm jealous. I need something to happen....
  • I loathe nights. And doesn't it just piss you off more when SO is just like "goodnight. ......zzzzzzzzz" and you are tossing & turning going crazy because your back hurts and arms go numb. Ughhhh that's me anyway. And to make matters …
  • @mama_luvs_her_girls thanks! I looked it up on Google as well and also didn't get a definitive answer. So I figured ask a forum someones bound to know lol ... I'm just really dying to go into labor ... :/ and they haven't grown since 20 weeks so to …
    in boobs! Comment by ashes September 2011
  • @happymommyof2 3 out of our 4 dogs have been treating me weird since I got prego, but my main girl that I've had since a puppy has been really weird the past few days. Won't leave my side, keeps sighing, etc.... idk I might be getting ahead of mysel…
    in boobs! Comment by ashes September 2011
  • I'm about to have one and I wanted 2, but bf wants 4-5, we've settled on 3.... but I'm more of a "wait-and-see" type
  • Aww thanks @lyndsay1983. Plus my dog wont leave my side and keeps laying on my belly and sniffing me, I'm really really hoping its signs of labor :D
    in boobs! Comment by ashes September 2011
  • I know some religions go for 2 years, and they say between 6months-2yrs is goal, so good for you! I know a girl at work still breastfeeds her son at night, he's 22 months