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  • The whole idea of someone calling my son "Junior" makes me want to drop kick them to Mars (: that's all there is to it. Over the past few days, I've had several people ask "When will Junior be here" and I kindly replied, "I'…
  • @mom60511 I don't think your comments sounded negative. (: I have to admit, I was all for the throat-punch idea :p @surprisenumber3 haha. Of course, all that time you spent correcting them, SHE likes it :p I can't imagine ANYONE wanting to be calle…
  • I hate when people call me something other than my name. On my birth certificate, my name is Jessica --- not Jess and not Jessie. When people call me Jessie, I simply ignore them until they get it right. If my mother wanted people to call me Jess/J…
  • @Babynewyear2012 My nephew was born at 21 weeks and is now a happy, healthy 2 yr old. My e-mail is jessi_bug91@yahoo.com, just in case you need someone to talk to (:
  • @baybee1aug10 ...oh, my! Mine, too...Hubby-to-Be just started a new shift rotation at work so he's gone 5 nights a week from 11pm - 9am...I stay up 3/4 of the time he's gone texting him --- he's Super Daddy and has to check on me every 10 minutes, s…
  • @2ndbutfirst Someone else mentioned something about eggs but I'm not 100% sure why they said they don't affect the test. Sadly, I loved them --- UNTIL I got pregnant. Now, I can't even tolerate the smell of them. :0& I'm being treated for a UT…
  • @baby2ontheway Believe it or not, you're about the 5th person who has told me to try to walk during the hour (: @awhaley28540 Thanks! I think I'm going to stick with just some milk/water and maybe a few crackers --- that way, if I do get sick, I …
  • 23 weeks for me was awesome! That's when I really started getting into the idea that I'm pregnant. Right around that time, I found out my baby's gender --- also a little boy! I've been lucky, I guess --- no swelling, except my hands. Exhaustion kick…
  • @mom60511 lol! I thought that's what you were saying but my pregnant brain is having some processing issues :p People are already pushing my buttons in terms of my pregnancy in general and they do it thinking that I won't react; I try to be respectf…
  • Japanese (very small amount), Cherokee and Caucasian - Mom + African American (VERY small amount), American Indian and Caucasian - Dad = Mommy && Daddy's Little Man! ♥ Hubby-to-Be's little girl, whose mother also has Japanese in her, is abs…
  • @mom60511 Christopher wasn't meant to be after his Dad...my Dad's name was Christopher --- he passed away when I was 16. It just happened to work out that is Dad's name is the same. I'm sure someone will still do it just to annoy me, but I'll be QUI…
  • When I first started feeling my little one move, it felt like a fish swimming in my tummy. At just 18 weeks, you shouldn't have painful kicks...but a little pain here and there may be normal --- that could also be stretching of your uterus. I wanted…
  • Pop is fine to drink, in moderation. My doctor told me that, as long as I don't exceed 250mg of caffeine a day, it's just fine!!! -thank goodness- I get killer heartburn from it, too, though! Drives me NUTS :p I usually take 4 Tums before bed, and s…
  • 20 week appointment for me? They did a urine analysis to check for protein; checked my hemoglobin and blood pressure; weighed me; did a vaginal exam and an ultrasound and let me listen to the heart beat. At 24 weeks, they started measuring my belly…
  • :( oh goodness.! I hope you get better soon!! I have "pregnancy eczema" on my arms & oh, my, does it ever itch!!! Try using Bag-Balm; sounds crazy but it works wonders!!!
  • My miracle baby will be here (hopefully) on Sept. 17, 2011! We're having a boy <3 His name is going to be Christopher Paiton-Alexander (pronounced "Peyton")!
  • Relax --- and remember that the baby calls the shots.! Sometimes your due date can be off by as much as 2 weeks. If you notice no signs of labor within the next week, definitely talk to your doctor!! Just be patient (: -(as hard as that may seem)-
  • I find that I only get them at night and oh, my goodness --- they HURT!! When I first started having them, my doctor told me that it most likely had to do with the additional weight that I'm carrying, along with a change in circulation. He also said…
  • @adensmommy By all means; if it helps you get your cleaning done, GO FOR IT!!! I'm more than happy to share. My lists for each room in the house helped at least get them cleaned, even if just one day at a time...and once it's done, it takes a maximu…
  • @adensmommy0803 It's a possibility :p I have the SAME issue --- there's mouse poison all over my house, too...and they seem to work their way around it. It's like it doesn't even phase them. UGH!! I mean, I know all houses have their pests, but seri…
  • I'm 28 weeks and I nest like there is absolutely no tomorrow but I have days where it's all I can do to get out of the bed. I've tried to break my cleaning up into lists and prevent doing too much in one day so I'll be able to get a little done 5 da…
  • I've always heard that it's best to wait until at least a week after your due date to use it --- something about it increases the chances of it working?!?! My sisters both tried it as well as Hubby-to-Be's Mom and none of them had success with it; i…
  • I was going to begin school in August, for Dental Assisting; then, I found out about the baby...what a shock that was!! Now, instead of starting school in August of this year, I will be waiting until NEXT August for Dental Assisting --- until then, …
  • Like @VictoriaB said, I'm not doctor, but I think that there can be pros and cons to both a c-section & a vaginal delivery. Vaginal deliveries can have a number of issues; baby's heart rate can drop, his/her oxygen can be cut off, the cord can p…
  • Goodness. I didn't realize that most women only got one or two during their whole pregnancy. I've gotten 3 and one emergency scan, so far and am scheduled for #4 on Wednesday. I don't know if that's based on my insurance or the fact that I have low …
  • So, does the number of U/S that you get depend more on your doctor or the # of U/S that your insurance will cover?
  • @vette_devil (: I absolutely love the thought of the baby's father bonding with him; I lost my Dad when I was 16 --- he was my BEST friend, growing up. I tend to be really big on daddy bonding when it comes to children; I think that a relationship w…
  • @charlotteb I really appreciate the suggestions; Hubby-to-Be and I have been exploring some different options in hopes of finding something that works for us as well as the rest of the family. As far as the little brother goes --- yes, we do know w…
  • ...maybe try reading?!?! What to Expect When You're Expecting is a good idea. I can't be of too much help because at 27 weeks, I'm lucky to sleep at all during the night. I seem to nap, sporadically...an hour here, two hours there; 4 hours seems to…
  • As long as you're comfortable and it doesn't make your tummy feel weird, you're just fine! I've always slept on my back, so sleeping any other way feels like torture! I was 16 weeks pregnant before I started adjusting my habit; I put a body pillow b…