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  • @Minx1018 @Kimberly4411 @jules @Wilsomom @perly Thank you ladies for your encouraging words. I really really do want another baby but I am just really scared. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant and I am thankful that I have his full support…
  • @MyBamBina28 I've always had a big heart & that is a trait I hope to one day pass on to my son. My grandmother was the exact same way & I bet if she were alive today she would probably spend her last dime on helping your friend get whatever …
  • @MyBamBina28 Honey I don't mind....there was a very good reason why I held on to all those things and it's because of your friend. I am happy to help any way that I can. *HUGS*
  • @MyBamBina28 I have so much boy stuff that I have been holding on to & my husband said 2 months ago to get rid of it. I wanted to give it to GoodWill but I just couldn't. I have sooo many packs of diapers & way to many boy clothes that I am …
  • @heyitsme Make sure you get some lysol wipes or clorox wipes and a can of lysol so germs don't spread. I honestly wouldn't clean the floor myself, I would have a professional come out and clean it. Sorry this happened to you.
  • @angel26 Hi hun, I have not forgotten about you, I was looking for this thread so I could save your number. I don't remember what state you're in to know the time difference. I don't wanna text you at a late time & you're sleeping. I live in Geo…
  • @everyone Thank you!!! I am just more happy that I get to continue to provide for my son and be an example to others that anything is possible.
  • @RTMommy I just don't like all the attention that's all but I had to share my happiness with my Pregly family. I didn't know @RedShadoe0 was active duty also, I thought I was the only one....LOL! And thank you.
  • @angel26 Don't try honey just do it. I live in Ga and I wish you and your family lived closer. I am one of those women with such a huge heart......I so would help you out any way that I could. I am here if you ever need a distant friend. I may be to…
  • @sands3 I believe that all women are capable of doing what I do and what most of the men do as well. It's all a mental game and you just gotta learn how to play it.
  • @Wilsomom Happpppppppppy Birthday! May your day be full of happiness & joy. Enjoy this day & put off the bad news later, don't let the older rugrats ruin your special
  • @sands3 Thank you....I feel like Super Woman today.
  • @angel26 Don't give up hun....I promise things will get so much better. Think about your family.....think about you. You got this, just hang in there PLEASE. I am not giving up hope for you and your family so you can't give up either. Now put on a s…
  • @angel26 Awww honey you just can't catch break. I hope physical therapy will work out for you & you get some answers. As far as the migraines, have you tried drinking a little bit of caffine (soda or coffee), it sometimes takes the edge off for …
  • @Mijita @Chrisjoe @Mama_Kat @captivated I was able to get an appointment to see my Dr and he put in a referral to OB/GYN. My appt isn't until the 23rd though. My dr is so slow at times, he told me that there is no need to do another lapraoscopy (ha…
  • @angel26 just thinking of you. Any update on your dr's visit?
  • @captivated you are right! I am crying and shaking because I'm really upset. My BP is up.....111/64 and that is high for me because I normally have a very low BP (60's & 70's). All the P.A. said was that because I came here already that they ar…
  • @Mijita me too.
  • @Crisjoe, thank you. I am gonna ask them to run as many test possible and I don't care how time consuming it may be. Atleast you have answers to what's going on with you, I don't. They gave me vicodin last week and after 2 days I poured them down th…
  • @Captivated @Mama_Kat @HomeBirthAdvocate just thought I would tag you ladies.
  • @Mijita thank you, this is my 3rd time this month for the same thing and I was just here a week ago.
  • Honey I was just thinking of you and your family. I'm sorry you aren't doing so well today. Did the emergency room prescribe you any pain meds @angel26
  • Lmao @YNVTish ....ratchet.....I love that word being that I am from georgia.
  • I do but he is just as dumb as the one I seen today. When I had a cyst to burst back in April, I brought the discharge papers and the cd of the test they ran to show him I had a ruptured cyst.....this fool says "oh I don't believe it was a cyst…
  • @Mama_Kat @bexiewexie @captivated @Starlily @Tootie08 Well after almost a whole day of sitting in a hospital & 2 doses of morphine, this is what the dr came up with.....CONSTIPATION! I was so freakin pissed! How can I be constipated if I have be…
  • @Mama_Kat @bexiewexie I just got in a room....waiting to see a doctor. You'd think they would hurry seeing that I couldn't walk to the room. I will continue to update as I can.
  • This is a ghetto hospital, something told me to go to st josephs hospital.....ugh
  • @bexiewexie thank you.....I think I picked the wrong day to come to the e.r......ugh! There are no open seats and I have to stand up.
  • @Mama_Kat right now I am still in so much pain that I started crying even though I tried to be a woman about it.....I just don't want another surgery......I do want more babies but I know if I'm not healthy than no more babies for me.
  • @Mama_Kat I am going to the hospital now, I was able to get someone to watch my son & a friend is taking me so I won't have to drive. I am just so sick of me having so many complications and these cysts. I am beyond frustrated right now.