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  • @tiff87124 perhaps a prayer request category as well so we can all gather and pray for the women suffering loss. That is something that seems necessary.
  • @oc86 do you get the pelvic cramps? Because once I feel those I always count myself out.
  • @ashley_smashley I guess I need to start utilizing that one because I can't really cook at all :(
  • @mama_kat thank you for not crucifying me. Honestly I was just using those two groups for examples but I understand now. So the food category? Lol I'm just crossing my fingers that they don't get too outrageous.
  • @one5one and that was basically my question from the main post. Is it really true that I could help a petite or a plus sized mommy? Idk I guess it just seems like a lot to me.
  • I definately will tag you @mama_kat. I'm nervous. So nervous I feel sick.
  • @mschop oh you mean helping each other with clothes and stuff. I see. @tiff87124 I guess I'm just ignorant because I thought that any woman regardless of size could experience the same things in pregnancy. Ladies I just pray that it doesn't start a…
  • @mschop Oh gosh. A shopping category? Couldn't that fall under just for fun?
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 not late for another 2 or 3 days. I promise to retest Friday if she's a no show.
  • @mama_kat ahh the old miscommunication. Always the culprit.
  • @tiff87124 the fact that you know my cousin had them in her purse leads me to believe that you've read my other posts. Thank you for that and for reminding me how sensitive those tests are. They weren't even sealed lol.
  • @tiff87124 thanks that makes me feel better. I haven't had any of the symptoms of when I thought that I was actually pregnant so maybe that's a good sign.
  • @mama_kat I hope that you didn't take offense to my comment. I was actually agreeing with you. I need to learn how to talk better without offending people. Sorry and I totally agree. Every where I've read they're the best especially on peeonastick.c…
  • @oregonmama @nmartinez79 Yea dollar tests are what they use in the hospitals and clinics anyway. At least that's what I've heard.
  • @Oregonmama I know and I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm just a coward. @mimibrowneyez36 about 2...3 days the longest. I've been cramping and having that crampy feeling in my pelvis and I smelled blood yesterday. All three are symptoms of impending af…
  • @1stwoodsbaby thanks. I hope so too.
  • @mimibrowneyez36 no I think I'm gonna just wait til I'm late.
  • @1stwoodsbaby no I'm not gonna do it because I'm too afraid of seeing a bfn. Plus I'm cramping like crazy so I'm expecting a visit from af in the next few days.
  • @babynewyear2012 no tests yet but no af. I'm so nervous because she's due any day now and I've been cramping and I've had that feeling in my pelvis that's always a tell tale sign. I'm nervouse :(
  • @babynewyear2012 oh how you have any name ideas. @patientlyw8ting4blessing sheesh I'm hoping I didn't get a false positive cus I really don't wanna see her. I'm crappy crazy though. Good luck for next month.
  • Thanks ladies. I'm kind of worried that those dipsticks might be faulty though so I'm refusing to do my happy dance until I miss my period for a week even though I'm never that late.
  • @mommyoftwoprincesses that's the plan. My cousin is gonna bring me a few other kinds of tests.
  • @blueberrysmom thank you. I'm sorry I forgot to tag you. @usmcwifemommy101107 she said those are the ones they use in her clinic but I'm definately gonna get a different kind just to be safe.
  • @usmcwifemommy101107 what's a 2011 test? @oregonmama you're probably right but I did find out that if there's no hcg in those strip tests the blue dye won't do a thing.
  • @stacyrae thank you @bexiewexie af hasn't come for you yet so you're still in the game. @ashleyfew @cee808 @usmcwifemommy101107 @ashes @babyluv_3 @excitedforbaby @oregonmama @mrsrocketfield1221 @babynewyear2012 @kristaf22 @patientlyw8ting4blessing
  • @oregonmama thanks so much for the links @ashleyfew yea that's what I'm gonna do in about an hour. Get like 3 so I can test now.
  • @oregonmama that's how it was for me at first but there are some dip strip tests. @kristaf22 I will. Ill probably see her later today and have her help me with the test or show me exactly how she did hers. Heck, I might even go buy some cassette tes…
  • @cee808 that's how my family is all the kids are really close in age and I have tons of cousins and we were all raised as brothers and sisters so they kids think they're all cousins not second cousins and they call us all auntie and uncle. @mama_ka…
  • @mommyofangels she's 2 months and she said hers turned a blueish green and mine is just light green but she said if its not yellow or brown it means bfp but I'm afraid I got a false positive by laying it down instead of holding it up and by reading …
    in POAS Comment by teuy June 2011
  • @septmama @cee808 No box my cousin literally had a ton of them in her purse because we have a big family and a superstition that continues to show true is that our pregnancies happen in threes and since she's first this time around she's taken it u…